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Don’t Cling to a Relic of the Past— Tear Down the I-90 Allston Viaduct and Give Boston a Western Gateway Worthy of a Great City

State and federal officials continue to debate how to replace the crumbling Allston Viaduct, which carries eight lanes of I-90 between BU and the Charles River. It’s time they listen to the dozens of business, environmental, transportation, elected, and community leaders who all agree that putting the Mass Pike, Soldiers Field Road, and the Commuter Rail all at ground level is the only smart choice for the region.

• Lower state maintenance costs
• Safer travel for commuters
• Continuous weekday two-track commuter rail service during construction
• Expanded transit, walking, and biking options
• Improved access to the Charles River
• Restored, resilient riverbank
• Enhanced public space and economic vibrancy

This is an opportunity to transform the future of transportation in the Commonwealth, rather than repeating yesterday’s mistakes. CHOOSE THE “MODIFIED ALL AT-GRADE” DESIGN NOW to create a proud legacy of your leadership. 

All of these groups from across the region agree and have publicly endorsed the Modified All-At Grade design.

A Better City
Allston Brighton CDC
Allston Brighton Health Collaborative
Allston Civic Association
Boston Society of Architects
Charles River Conservancy
Conservation Law Foundation
Kendall Square Association

LivableStreets Alliance
Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition
Massachusetts Sierra Club
Pioneer Institute
Worcester Regional Chamber of Commerce

and more than a dozen additional community groups and neighborhood advocates

The following municipalities and elected officials have also publicly voiced their support for the Modified All-At Grade design.

City of Boston
Boston City Council
City of Cambridge
Cambridge City Council

Town of Brookline
19 Boston and MetroWest-area legislators
11 Worcester-area legislators
2 members of the Congressional delegation

Sponsored by A Better City and Conservation Law Foundation. See 11/23/20 full-page Boston Globe advertisement

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